Monday, January 19, 2015

Our Children.. and Charity

We're sitting at dinner with the kids and I throw out a question...

"What does it mean to donate to charity?"

This spawned a conversation, the concept of which I hope continues in the days, weeks, months and years to come as we grow together as a family.

Let's face it, when a child is exposed to a charitable act, whether it be a monetary donation, time spent on a humanitarian project or any other form of true, genuine philanthropic behavior it can play a huge part in their view on life.

How about you?

When did you first learn of the concept of "giving"?  To what cause did you give?  Which charities or foundations are you passionate about today?

My good friend JoJo taught me of the Boomerang Effect, noting that, "What you send out comes back."  We've all experienced this first hand, whether we realized it in the moment or not.

As a closing thought.. How cool would it be to be a full-time philanthropist?  What would your week schedule look like?

Please share. We look forward to your comments.  : )

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Yes.. but "Why" do thoughts become things?

Over the last decade, I've read several books on the topics of mindfulness, thought, success, business, motivation and self-empowerment.  I've been offered a similar message in each reading, a message that rings loud and clear from the time I raise my head from the pillow in the morning until the time I lay back down to bed at night.  That message is, ultimately, that 'You Become What You Think About'. In Earl Nightingale's 'Strangest Secret', these exact words ring true. Until recently, I was aware of this, but didn't truly understand how this occurred. Having enjoyed the trials and tribulations of an intense curriculum in physical therapy, and having worked with several amazing colleagues and practice owners throughout my career who pushed me to be better in all aspects of my profession, I've been trained, consistently, to truly understand why things occur.. why I'm performing a particular treatment technique.. why certain patients improve more rapidly than others.. why some days seem awesome and others seem to be full of challenges.

Well, I mentioned that I was 'aware' of the notion that Thoughts Become Things and You Become What You Think About, but I haven't truly understood why.. until now.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Your Vehicle

What's your Point B?  What's your Vehicle?

Comment below.... We'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Professional Dream Biggers, Marlene and Chad

Hello There!

Thought we'd introduce ourselves to those who don't know us, and share some awesomeness with those who do know who we are.  We look forward to connecting with you in the near future!!

Cheers to an Awesome Saturday!!